The Rocker

Chair Design, Prototyping, & Fabrication

The Rocker

Date: Fall 2018

Methods: Sketching, ergonomic modeling, 3D modeling, prototyping

Tools: Laser cutting, Autocad

The Rocker was designed to fit my client's aesthetic, comfort, and task-related needs, specifically to be a seating device that:

  • Was organic in form

  • Allowed movement

  • Free from any and all adhesive

 The final product, made out of one 4'x8' sheet of single-ply cardboard, can hold the dynamic weight of 200 pounds.


Over the course of 5 weeks, I progressed through an observation and research phase, followed by ideation, prototyping, and fabrication phases. Through this process, I designed, prototyped, and refined The Rocker by creating quarter-scale, half-scale, and full-scale models, before fabricating the final prototype. Materials used in fabrication included chipboard, foam core, and single-ply corrugate. 


The user's natural posture was first analyzed before determining natural and preferred seating styles. From those observations, I took precise body measurements which would directly manifest in my prototypes.


I progressed through quarter-scale (3), half-scale (2), and full scale (1) models using chipboard, foam core, and single-ply corrugate, respectively, manipulating materials with an Xacto knife and, with the corrugate, a laser cutter as well as an Xacto knife. Laser cut pieces were first arranged in Adobe Illustrator as pictured. Built-in joinery resulted in a final rocking chair that required no further adhesive.

The Final Product

The final product was cut and assembled successfully, constructed with absolutely zero adhesive, and ended up being able to support 200 pounds - all from one flimsy piece of cardboard!


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